Homepage of Maria Sedlmeier and H.J Schoenrock
D-82290 Landsberied, Aug.8 1998
click here to determine where Landsberied is.
Use: find a place (enter landsberied and germany) and then select the city option
or try to zoom from the world map: use the recenter map and zoom option!
Landsberied is located in between Augsburg and München (Munich), near Fürstenfeldbruck

A small and "friendly" JAVA-Applet

simple 10-level Fractal

some good sound of the Moosjazzer ®

v:Sabine Finkernagel g:Andi Kink
b:Alfred Kimaneder dr:Dieter Then
p:Hans Oswald ts:Marile Sedlmeier
click here for 750KB = 1:35 min of good music
click here for the part of Mrs. and Mr.Suslow

MCSHJS © 1998